March 14-16,
About the Meet
Free Parking *** Please make sure to check Hotel/Parking Info for detailed parking information. There will be towing enforcement if you park in undesignated areas. We will have volunteers out to help direct traffic***
2024 Participating Teams
USAG Competition:
Buckeye Gymnastics
Capitol City Athletics
Capitol City Gymnastics
Chalk It Up
Columbus Gymnastics Academy
Dominique Moceanu Gymnastics Center
Fliptastic! Gymnastics
Flight Deck Gymnastics
Global Gymnastics
Gymnastics Central
Gym X-Treme
Gymniks Gymnastics
Tumble U
Universal Gymnasts Inc.
Zanesville Gymnastics​
GCGC Competition:
All Starz Gymnastics
Buckeye Gymnastics
Fliptastic! Gymnastics
Integrity Gymnastics
Integrity Fayette Gymnastics
Rock Solid Gymnastics and Cheer
Universal Gymnasts Inc.
Vitality Gymnastics
Worthington Youth Boosters
Westgate Gymnastics
Information on concessions coming soon!
Why Join Our Meet?
Our Meet has been a mainstay in Columbus for the past 20 years. With over 1000 entrants and premium competition, our meet will provide an amazing and unique experience for your gymnasts!
*USAG Gymnast gift- Leotard
*Special gift for all GCGC gymnasts
*Unique Good Luck Grams
*Wi-Fi Available for Updated Scoring